
Make-up Consultation

60 or 120 minutes

During the consultation, we explain how to apply make-up to you. We take into consideration your face shape, complexion, eye colour and much more. At the same time, we will teach you the most important techniques for creating your daily make-up quickly and easily.
During the 120-minute make-up consultation, we will show you a specific evening make-up for your type.

Always included: script to read + goodie bag

Day Make-up

30 minutes

We will be happy to do your make-up for a special occasion: professionally and according to your type.

#Join the Sunflower Cosmetic Comunity

Kontakt- und Buchungsformular

Was können wir heute für deine Schönheit tun?

Sunflower Cosmetic

Studio EPPAN

Bahnhofstraße 71
39057 St. Michael

+39 0471 964770

Sunflower Cosmetic

Studio MERAN

Freiheitsstraße 20
39012 Meran

+39 0473 233899

Modulo di contatto e prenotazione

Cosa possiamo fare oggi per la tua bellezza?

Sunflower Cosmetic

Centro Estetico ad APPIANO

Via Stazione 71
39057 St. Michele - Appiano

+39 0471 964770

Sunflower Cosmetic

Centro Estetico a MERANO

Corso della Libertà 20
39012 Merano

+39 0473 233899

Contact and booking form

What can we do for your beauty today?

Sunflower Cosmetic

Cosmetic Studio EPPAN

Bahnhofstraße 71
39057 St. Michael

+39 0471 964770

Sunflower Cosmetic

Cosmetic Studio MERAN

Freiheitsstraße 20
39012 Meran

+39 0473 233899